I've been on the hunt for a while now for a decent cross-platform PIM application. As of yet I've not found one. Of the ones I've tried, the below either come close or are worthy of consideration - even though none of them have exactly all of the features I want. 10 Ideal Features I'd like to Have in My PIM calender / schedule items daily diary decent address book with ability to tag, add pictures, etc to-do lists with reminders notes allows for attachments cross-platform portable allows for encryption of data freeware, but preferably open-source 5 Applications I've Tried Thunderbird with the Lightning Extension / Sunbird With the release of 0.7 of the Lightning/Sunbird this is one step closer to being what I want it to be. There is definite improvement. Unfortunately, though, it lacks features 2, 3 (this has continued to suck over the years), 9, and I'm not sure about 5 and 6. Chandler I got really excited when I found out about this project... but then I tried...