
Showing posts from 2017

Setting Up Syncthink by Command Line on a Server

Props to this site for the info I based the following on! First, install syncthing: $ sudo apt-get update  $ sudo apt-get install syncthing $ syncthing You will need to change the address of the web gui by editing the syncthing config.xml. $ sudo nano ~/.config/syncthing/config.xml  <gui enabled="true" tls="false"> <address></address> [to]: <gui enabled="true" tls="false"> <address></address> s ystemd is a system and service manager for Linux that runs as PID 1 (Process ID 1) and starts the rest of the system. It uses a script file called a Unit for each service, they are located in  /etc/systemd/system/ to get this to work you need to put this file into that directory. This is the Unit text *********************************************************************** [Unit] Description=Syncthing - Open Source Continuous Fi...

Samba Setup

Installation and Setup: First install the following: apt-get install samba-common smbclient samba-common-bin smbclient cifs-utils Next, authorize users to access samba shares: sudo smbpasswd -a Make a safe backup copy of the original smb.conf file. sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.bkup Edit the file "/etc/samba/smb.conf" sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf Add this to the end of the file: [folder_name] path = /home/user_name>/folder_name valid users = read only = no Restart samba: sudo service smbd restart Use this command to check your smb.conf for any syntax errors. testparm Determine the LAN address of the computer: sudo ifconfig List all shares: smbclient -L // / -U Connect: smbclient // / -U Mounting Local Shares: smbclient -L XXX.XXX.X.X -U username Then, create a local directory and mount the remote share: mkdir /mnt/abc mount -t cifs //server/share /mnt/abc Depending on the access you give to your...

Testing Moodle on Debian 9

So I bought a Raspberry Pie and put Debian 9 on it so that I can play around with it as a home server. Currently I am configuring Moodle on it, so here are my notes: Debian 9 (stretch) has 2.7.17 in the repositories. This is fairly old, so I will be installing the git version instead. First: sudo apt-get update Second: sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-client mysql-server php7.0 libapache2-mod-php7.0 Third: sudo apt-get install graphviz aspell php7.0-pspell php7.0-curl php7.0-gd php7.0-intl php7.0-mysql php7.0-xml php7.0-xmlrpc php7.0-ldap php7.0-zip php7.0-soap php7.0-mbstring Forth: sudo service apache2 restart Fifth: sudo apt-get install git-core Sixth: cd /opt Seventh: sudo git clone git:// Eighth: cd moodle Ninth: sudo git branch -a Since the guide I'm following is installing Moodle 3.1, and I don't want any incompatibilities, this is what I will be installing as well. 10th: sudo git branch --track MO...

Setting Up Mopidy, Ncmpcpp, and Spotify on Debian Buster (Updated)

  In Debian Buster, the main thing that caused me problems was that I had mpd installed, and it caused havic with, but once I uninstalled it, things started working. Here is the breakdown of what I did: Add the archive’s GPG key:   wget - q - O - https : // apt . mopidy . com / mopidy . gpg | sudo apt - key add -   Add the APT repo to your package sources:   sudo wget - q - O / etc / apt / sources . list . d / mopidy . list https : // apt . mopidy . com /buster . list   Install Mopidy and all dependencies:     sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install mopidy ncmpcpp mopidy-mpd mopidy-spotify There are two configuration files that need to be adjusted.  First, there is the Mopidy configuration file : ~ /.config/mopidy/mopidy.conf Here is my configuration file: [logging] color = true console_format = %(levelname)-8s %(message)s debug_format = %(levelname)-8s %(asctime)s [%(process)d:%(threadName)s] %(name)s\n...

booklet creation and imposition in linux

in this post, i will go over how to create "signatures" from pdf files in linux so that you can print them out for your bookbinding projects. these booklets are the result of "imposition" - rearranging pages so that when printed and folded together - produces a series of signatures (booklets) that can then be bound together in books. there does not seem to be very good documentation on how to do this in linux, as far as i can tell. the sizes here i will only be focusing on booklets of eight printout pages - meaning that the signatures are 32 pages long (two pages on each side of the paper multiplied by eight), but the same reasoning can be applied to signatures of different sizes. since the minimal signature is four pages long, the length of signatures need to be in multiples of four. i prefer 32 pages signatures generally (eight pages), but others may prefer shorter signatures. if total book you are printing is 247 pages, and you have 32 page signatures, then...