Sharing files from Linux Mint 20 on a Home Network
I'm annoyed over the difficulty of sharing files in Linux Mint 20 over a home network. Here is what you would expect you would have to do: Right-click and select "Share this Folder" Done! It works. Except that it doesn't work. :( Here is what you actually appear to have to do (note that not even all the required packages are installed by default): 1. In the terminal: $ sudo apt-get install samba 2. Right-click and select "Share this Folder" 3. In a terminal, type (to set your samba username password): sudo smbpasswd -a yourUserName 4. Edit /etc/samba/smb.conf and right under the workgroup = WORKGROUP line add these: client min protocol = NT1 server min protocol = NT1 5. Reboot 6. Done! It works (finally).