
Showing posts from May, 2007

Short Political Commentary

After watching the two republican primary debates as well as the democratic primary debate ... Of all of the Republican candidates, the only two I like are John McCain and Ron Paul. I really wish Hagel would join the race. Rudy's recent shtick is that the Democrates are returning to a pre-911 mentality. ... Civil liberties do not seem to take a very place on his list of priorities I really, really like Obama. I think he would be great for this country in so many ways. The one thing I struggle over most, though, is the issue of abortion. I am so conflicted about this issue, and I don't have any good ideas about a stance I'd like to see. The absolute worst of the bunch fortunately don't have a chance anyway ....

BBC and Scientology

If you missed the BBC documentary, "Scientology and Me," you can find it here . If there hadn't been a ruckus about it, then I never would have known about its existence. But when certain Scientology members - ever willing to intimidate, sue, or slander anyone who criticizes their organization - have now targeted the BBC itself, well... I had to find out what all of the fuss was about. Listen to what John Sweeney, the BBC reporter in charge of this documentary had to say about his attempts to investigate Scientology: "I have been shouted at, spied on, had my hotel invaded at midnight, denounced as a 'bigot' by star Scientologists, brain-washed - that is how it felt to me - in a mock-up of a Nazi-style torture chamber and chased round the streets of Los Angeles by sinister strangers" Now the Scientology has come out with their own video coverage on John Sweeney and the BBC. It can be found here . What is great about this video is that it shows you precise...

10 Up-and-Coming Open Source Projects I'm Very Excited About

I regularly hunt for new and better open source software to meet my various computer needs. Often I come across a really exciting project that is in the works, but that's still in the early stages of development. Sometimes a project looks so promising that I find myself continuously checking back with it to see if there is any recent news or updates. Below I'll listed the top 10 open source projects I'm most excited about (listed alphabetically). Let me know if there are any other open source projects still in the early stages of development that look very promising! Beryl - This might mainly be a bunch of eye candy, but its great eye candy. If you haven't seen some of the great video clips on YouTube, you're in for a treat. [*nix] Chandler - I've been looking for a decent open source cross-platform Personal Information Manager for a while, but I've yet to find one I'm pleased with. This one looks like its got some great potential for all your organ...