Beer Review #8: Total Domination IPA (Ninkasi Brewing Company)

Appearance - Pours a medium orange/amber (its lighter than I expected). A off-white (eggshell?) head that holds well and leaves a decent lacing.

Smell - Very citrisy, with grapefruit notes dominating. Also the smell of hops is very prominant.

Taste - Nice and hoppy upfront (the hops definitely dominate), some acidity and sweetness in the middle (definitely more pronounced malt than I was expecting), and ends on a bitter piney note, coaxing me to take the next drink.

Mouthfeel - Good, strong carbonation that stimulates my taste buds when I roll it around my mouth.

Drinkability - An enjoyable IPA. A little sharper than I want, and not as complex as I may desire, but a solid IPA that I would not be hesitant to recommend (though it doesn't quit live up to its name).



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