Tools lacking on Ubuntu

Here are some tools that Ubuntu, or Linux generally, seems to lack:

A good WYSIWYG html editor.
  • Up until about a year ago, I was pretty satisfied with quanta plus. Since then I have become increasingly disappointed with it, mainly because no one seems to be porting it to Qt4, or developing it substantially. What had such great potential seems to be languishing.
  • KompoZer crashes a lot - I'm waiting for the new version to come out (still in alpha), but I'm less than certain it will be better (and NVU is dead).
  • Bluefish - although its not a WYSIWYG editor, I still think it could be good if they'd ever release a new version that updates a lot of antiquated crap in there (like not knowing how to open a browser easily)
Decent blogging software
  • Mainly I use scribefire (I'm using it now) - its ok - but it only offers the simplest options for blogging. If I want any type of formating that goes beyond a bullet point, I've got to know my html (which it visually formats in a very unreadable fashion).
  • There is an extension for OpenOffice called Sun Weblog Publisher. With it, its possible to format your blog post in openoffice and then upload it to your site. Unfortunately, its closed-source, and only seems to be updated sporadically when someone at Sun feels like it. If I knew there were an active developer community, then it would make me somewhat happier, but it doesn't seem like there is. I expect it to become increasingly antiquated the longer its not updated (and I wish they'd freaking open-source it).


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