Installing Speach Recognition in Kdenlive on Linux Mint 22

After struggling to get the the dependencies needed for speech recognition within Kdenlive on Linux Mint, here is a brief tutorial of what I did:

 First, I couldn't get the debian package working, so I installed the Flatpak of Kdenlive instead.

Then you will need to install the required dependencies for speech recognition:

$ sudo apt install python3-srt
$ sudo apt install python3-venv
$ sudo apt install python3-pip

(Although pip3 doesn't work the way it previously did in Linux Mint, I do believe you will need to install it).

Then, in order to get Whisper and Torch installed, you do it within the Flatpak itself:

$ flatpak run --command=/bin/bash org.kde.kdenlive
$ python -m ensurepip
$ python -m pip install -U openai-whisper torch
$ exit

That is it! Open Kdenlive and see if it works. Thanks to the following source.


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