I think Ubuntu Hardy is great, but ...

...it sure does not feel like it can quite live up to the name. I've already stacked up quite a bug list, most of which I find really annoying on a daily basis. Here's the highlights:

  • 129665 Unable to skip the current track on last.fm
  • 136702 nautilus 'replace file' dialog box could give more information
  • 32906 sudo shouldn’t ABSOLUTELY NEED to look up the host it’s running on
  • 192888 firefox crashes on flash contents when using libflashsupport
  • 149444 Tracker doesn't search for phrases in enclosed quotes
  • 207377 No Anti Aliased fonts in the Perl-tk package
Uff. The most annoying is how often Firefox crashes when browsing YouTube. I can only watch like 2 videos, and then... crash->Restore previous settings. I also find it really annoying how I cannot use Audacity without killing Pulseaudio. And the workaround of "padsp audacity" is unstable as hell, at least on my machine. Also I was really f*ing confused the first time I used the "sudo" command and it complained about my network configuration. Wtf? Also, I listen to lots of music through Last.fm, so why the f* can't I skip ahead a track when using Rhythmbox. Yes, lots of annoyances.

Don't get me wrong, I think Ubuntu Hardy is on the right track. Overall, it feels much more integrated than Gutsy, and quite a number of the bugs that annoyed me previously have disappeared. But it feels like it just could have stayed in the oven a little bit longer....

Looking forward to 8.04.1


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