Problem Viewing Daily Show Videos on Ubuntu Hardy

For about a week now I haven't been able to view videos on The Daily Show in Ubuntu. Has anyone else experienced this problem lately? Rather than wait to see if it gets sorted out, I decided to go ahead and file a bug report. You can track its progress there.

Edit: I've uploaded a temporary workaround Greasemonkey script here. This script allows Linux users to view The Daily Show videos that are found on a subdomain of The Daily Show website:

(Notice that it doesn't work on The Daily Show front page.)

This is something I hacked together without knowing a great deal about Javascript, so there is tons of room for improvement. There also may be bugs. Please post in the comments any patches, fixes, or enhancements.

Hope this helps some of you get your daily dose of John Stewart!

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Anonymous said…
Same here. Firefox crashes when opening Flash content and Opera just doesn't open it.
Tried it with the current Flash version (9.0.124) and the beta (10.2 release candidate.)
Please post if you find a solution.
Steve said…
I had the same problem, did a quick investigation and it turned out to be Adblock, just disabled it and the videos started playing again.

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